
Showing posts with the label hydrogen

Hydrogen Oxygen Inhalation Case Studies

 Hydrogen Oxygen Inhalation Case Studies  Hydrogen Oxygen Inhalation Case Studies Hydrogen Oxygen Inhalation Case Studies : Learn about the science behind hydrogen oxygen inhalation and its potential uses, and what research says about its effectiveness on this page. For  multicentre open clinical trials conducted to decrease the severity of the disease and breathing difficulties in patients during the most recent pandemic  read the published clinical trials at this link . The three points that define the benefits of hydrogen-oxygen inhalation are: Antioxidant:  Hydrogen gas acts as an antioxidant in the body, which helps to neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. This can lead to a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and improving cellular function. Anti-inflammatory:  Hydrogen gas has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to reduce inflammation in the body and improve symptoms of conditions such as asthma and arthritis
 Brown's Gas For Health Brown's Gas For Health



Hydrogen Home

Hydrogen Home

Hydrogen & oxygen generators for personal use

  Hydrogen & oxygen generators for personal use



Molecular Hydrogen Oxygen Generator With Nebulizer For Hospitals Medical Centers

  Molecular Hydrogen Oxygen Generator With Nebulizer For Hospitals Medical Centers

View Product Brochure For Covid Trials Oxygen and Hydrogen Machine

  View Product Brochure For Covid Trials Oxygen and Hydrogen Machine

Table Of Contents Oxygen Hydrogen Covid Clinical Trial References Library

  Table Of Contents Oxygen Hydrogen Covid Clinical Trial References Library

Table Of Contents Oxygen Hydrogen Covid Clinical Trial References Library

  Table Of Contents Oxygen Hydrogen Covid Clinical Trial References Library


 HHO Gas HHO Gas Generator HHO Hydrogen and oxygen gas generator (Electrolyzer) used as a portable welding machine widely used in non-ferrous metal welding, thermocouple welding, jewelry welding, alumina welding, platinum welding, wire welding, copper pipe welding, instrument welding, plexiglass polishing and microelectronics and semiconductor wafer integration.

Low-carbon technology for heavy industry

  Low-carbon technology for heavy industry Light is being cast into this blind spot with the release in late 2020 of reports by Peter Griffiths, the Founder CEO at YBG Group International Pty Ltd of Sydney, Australia articulating the existing heavy industry industrial applications of Brown’s Gas HHO ( industrial applications of Brown’s Gas  ). Being a Zero-point energy, Brown’s Gas implodes, it does not explode. When it implodes it disappears, and takes toxic emissions with it. Despite deceptive marketing, there is no such thing as a Zero Emission Hydrogen manufacturing plant. Hydrogen also accelerates the creation of emissions when co-burned with other fossil or biomass fuels. Only Brown’s Gas is known to factually reduce emissions from the combustion of any fuel.

The low-carbon option for heavy industry

 The low-carbon option for heavy industry The Brown’s Gas generator is not an ordinary electrolyzer or fuel cell that merely produces hydrogen. This is evidenced by the Brown’s Gas characteristics of having an Interactive Heat Effect and Implosive characteristics (refer to  Brown’s Gas FAQ  ). In contrast hydrogen has a fixed heat value and explodes. COMPARING ALTERNATIVES Imagined combustion support alternatives: Biodiesel/biomass:   Biodiesel or woodchips can be combusted directly as a low cost alternative to fossil fuels. Electric current:   Electricity can be used to run electric arc furnaces for steel manufacture. Grey and blue hydrogen:   Is traditionally produced through steam reforming fossil fuels which creates more emissions. Radioactive nuclear energy:   Give off heat that can be carried as steam. Carbon capture and storage (CCS):   Like the storage of radioactive nuclear wastes, CCS avoids decarbonizing completely, it is a corruption of other alternatives and costs money to


  CHEAPER THAN GREEN HYDROGEN | HHO Generators ( Differentiation Brown’s Gas and Green Hydrogen In the future when solid storage mediums are available to store combustible gases, Brown’s Gas will be on par with Green Hydrogen as a storage medium for electricity generated from renewables. The future of Hydrogen for electrical generation depends on the development of solid storage mediums. The use of Green Hydrogen for electrical power generation is not sensible from an economic point of view. Electricity is consumed to electrolyze water, and then the Hydrogen is stored (currently in tanks) and later converted back to electricity. It is a net loss of electricity.

Use of Hydrogen HHO generators in boilers

  Use of Hydrogen HHO generators in boilers HHO Hydrogen Generator for boilers  consumes water and electricity, electrolyzes water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas , we can use H2 and O2 as supplemental to  flames like LPG, Propane, Acetylene fuel or natural gas or other oil. Not only are fossil fuels running out, but the continued use of them is emitting greenhouse gases such as carbon into the atmosphere. These gases cannot escape our atmosphere, causing temperatures across the globe to rise which is changing our climate. 


 Hydrogen Hydrogen History Yull Brown: Henry Cavendish (1766) was the first to recognize that hydrogen gas was a discrete substance,  and that it produces water when burned, the property for which it was later named.    Henry Cavendish was a British natural philosopher, scientist, and an important experimental and theoretical chemist and physicist. Cavendish is noted for his discovery of hydrogen or what he called “inflammable air”. He described the density of inflammable air, which formed water on combustion, in a 1766 paper “On Factitious Airs”.  Antoine Lavoisier later reproduced Cavendish’s experiment and gave the element its name. In Greek, hydrogen means “water-former”. Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier was a French nobleman and chemist central to the 18th-century chemical revolution and had a large influence on both the history of chemistry and the history of biology.  He is widely considered in popular literature as the “father of modern chemistry”.  This label, however, is more a p