
Showing posts with the label gas
 Brown's Gas For Health Brown's Gas For Health

Brauns Gas

 Brauns Gas  Brown's Gas ist wie kein anderes brennbar, da es keinen Sauerstoff aus der Erdatmosphäre nimmt, um zu verbrennen, sondern es verbrennt seinen eigenen Sauerstoffgehalt.  Dies definiert Brown's Gas als die einzige "saubere" und schadstofffreie brennbare Energie, die es gibt.  Dementsprechend beweist Brown's Gas, dass Wasserstoff nicht als saubere Energie angesehen werden kann, da er von der Erdatmosphäre abhängig ist, um zu verbrennen.



What is HHO or Brown’s Gas

  What is HHO or Brown’s Gas In addition to cutting the cost of electrolysis Research Professor Yull Brown researched what could be done with Brown’s Gas and envisaged a world of applications for industrial and residential uses.


 HHO Gas HHO Gas Generator HHO Hydrogen and oxygen gas generator (Electrolyzer) used as a portable welding machine widely used in non-ferrous metal welding, thermocouple welding, jewelry welding, alumina welding, platinum welding, wire welding, copper pipe welding, instrument welding, plexiglass polishing and microelectronics and semiconductor wafer integration.

Low-carbon technology for heavy industry

  Low-carbon technology for heavy industry Light is being cast into this blind spot with the release in late 2020 of reports by Peter Griffiths, the Founder CEO at YBG Group International Pty Ltd of Sydney, Australia articulating the existing heavy industry industrial applications of Brown’s Gas HHO ( industrial applications of Brown’s Gas  ). Being a Zero-point energy, Brown’s Gas implodes, it does not explode. When it implodes it disappears, and takes toxic emissions with it. Despite deceptive marketing, there is no such thing as a Zero Emission Hydrogen manufacturing plant. Hydrogen also accelerates the creation of emissions when co-burned with other fossil or biomass fuels. Only Brown’s Gas is known to factually reduce emissions from the combustion of any fuel.

The low-carbon option for heavy industry

 The low-carbon option for heavy industry The Brown’s Gas generator is not an ordinary electrolyzer or fuel cell that merely produces hydrogen. This is evidenced by the Brown’s Gas characteristics of having an Interactive Heat Effect and Implosive characteristics (refer to  Brown’s Gas FAQ  ). In contrast hydrogen has a fixed heat value and explodes. COMPARING ALTERNATIVES Imagined combustion support alternatives: Biodiesel/biomass:   Biodiesel or woodchips can be combusted directly as a low cost alternative to fossil fuels. Electric current:   Electricity can be used to run electric arc furnaces for steel manufacture. Grey and blue hydrogen:   Is traditionally produced through steam reforming fossil fuels which creates more emissions. Radioactive nuclear energy:   Give off heat that can be carried as steam. Carbon capture and storage (CCS):   Like the storage of radioactive nuclear wastes, CCS avoids decarbonizing completely, it is a corruption o...

eBook Energy Freedom

eBook  Energy Freedom Executive Summary It is a fairly recent need for companies to use clean energy, and a new idea for companies to generate their own energy. Most fuels are purchased from coal and oil conglomerates. However, not one of these conglomerates sells a clean fuel. If you are a fuel consumer, you are a consumer of dirty fuels. In contrast, now you do have the freedom to produce your own clean fuel when you own a Brown’s Gas® Generator.

Brown’s Gas Customer Testimonial Letter

  Brown’s Gas Customer Testimonial Letter The evaluation team conducted on-site investigations on the authenticity of the combustion supporting and energy saving transformation of an authentic Brown’s Gas BG generating  machine on the Annealing Roller Hearth Furnace for annealing stainless steel pipes owned by Tubacex India Pvt. Ltd. at Umbergaon, Gujarat, India.

HHO Energy Generators

 HHO Energy Generators Reduce fuel costs and atmospheric emissions dramatically. HHO ENERGY GENERATORS Combustion support for boilers and furnaces. Brown’s Gas assists the combustion of fossil and biomass fuels by acting as a catalyst for the combustion process. Metal Cutting Systems. Brown’s Gas is the ecofriendly and economical replacement for oxy-acetylene and LPG and cuts twice as fast. Combustion support for stationary engines. Brown’s Gas assists the combustion of fossil and biomass fuels by acting as a catalyst for the combustion process.

Brown's Gas Water Molecule

 Brown's Gas Water Molecule  Brown’s-Gas-Water-Molecule: The Brown’s Gas molecule can hold an excessive energy of 20.4 eV at the quantum mechanical level. 


 ADVANCED TRANSFORMATION RADIOACTIVE WASTES Advanced transmutation process   and its application for the decontamination of radioactive nuclear wastes .


  BROWN’S GAS AUTO METAL CUTTING Brown’s Gas penetrates any material at the subatomic level and makes it chemically inactive (inert) and thus becomes easy to be cut. Flame cutting temperature with carbon steel is 2,600 degrees Celsius. Temperatures vary depending on the metal being cut. For example, Brown’s Gas sublimates tungsten which requires a temperature of around 6,000 degrees Celsius. 

Primary Cause of Combustion

  Primary Cause of Combustion What gives life to planet Earth on the physical plane? Without air to breathe and water to drink the combustion in organisms on Earth cannot function. Air is water vapor (moisture that is water) and water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Combustion external to man for example is accomplished by burning a fuel after an ignition source sparks the flame. In the absence of air (that is 21% pure oxygen) the ignition of a flame will not occur.

Water As A Fuel

 Water As A Fuel BROWN’S GAS LEGEND HHO: It’s not easy to establish how Meyer’s car was meant to work, except that it involved a fuel cell that was able to split water using less energy than was released by recombination of the elements.  Dig a little deeper and you will soon find the legendary Brown’s Gas — a modern chemical unicorn to rival phlogistion  (a nonexistent chemical that, prior to the discovery of oxygen, was thought to be released during combustion –  phlogistion ) — in which hydrogen and oxygen are combined in a non-aqueous state called ‘oxyhydrogen’, in the same proportions in which they are found in water (2:1). Brown’s gas was allegedly used as a vehicle fuel by its discoverer,  Australian inventor Yull Brown .


  POWERFUL CLEAN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY | HHO Generators ( The cheapest cost per kWh of any combustible gas in the world. Historically Brown’s Gas was developed to combust any fossil fuel. BG HHO is powerful enough to combust any fossil fuel. After naval deployment in China it went into manufacturing. Ingredients of water, KOH salt electrolyte and electricity.


  CHEAPER THAN GREEN HYDROGEN | HHO Generators ( Differentiation Brown’s Gas and Green Hydrogen In the future when solid storage mediums are available to store combustible gases, Brown’s Gas will be on par with Green Hydrogen as a storage medium for electricity generated from renewables. The future of Hydrogen for electrical generation depends on the development of solid storage mediums. The use of Green Hydrogen for electrical power generation is not sensible from an economic point of view. Electricity is consumed to electrolyze water, and then the Hydrogen is stored (currently in tanks) and later converted back to electricity. It is a net loss of electricity.

The cheapest cost per kWh of any combustible gas in the world

  The cheapest cost per kWh of any combustible gas in the world The cheapest cost per kWh of any combustible gas in the world. Historically Brown’s Gas was developed to combust any fossil fuel. BG HHO is powerful enough to combust any fossil fuel. After naval deployment in China it went into manufacturing. Ingredients of water, KOH salt electrolyte and electricity. Here’s how it works, combusts and disintegrates fuel at a molecular level. BG HHO cuts through the walls of the molecules and collapses the atomic reactivity rendering them inert. In industrial applications it is proven to be tremendously effective. Fossil fuels contain millions of molecules of pollutants. Exhaust systems handle only a small percentage effectively. BG HHO reduces pollutants it reaches by 99.999%. An environment free of pollution. The leading edge of environmental friendliness.

Metal cutting minimization of heat affected zone

 Metal cutting minimization of heat affected zone  METAL CUTTING A Brown’s Gas (Oxyhydrogen) generator used as a cutting machine solves the problems of safety, Eco-friendliness, makes high speed cutting possible, improves economic efficiency, and completely replaces fossil fuels. Brown’s Gas HHO Brown’s Gas itself is an intimate mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases in the stoichiometric rato of two parts hydrogen gas and one part oxygen gas. In addition to the low electrical energy needed to produce Brown’s Gas, the oxygen gas disassociated from water is preserved to further enhance the energy effciency characteristics of Brown’s Gas when Brown’s Gas is put to use in a vast array of applications. Modern Brown’s Gas electrolyzers utilize Pulse Resonance Water Electrolysis Technology (PRWET) that has reduced the electrical energy consumption by 49, using only3 kWh per CBM (Cubic Meter) of gas produced as opposed to 5.8 kWh using the traditional DC (Direct Current) constant curre...

SCAM REPORT: Does HHO actually work?

  SCAM REPORT: Does HHO actually work? Brown’s Gas is an ecologically pure, zero emissions, economically efficient source of combustion energy produced from water. To help you to understand the truth of Brown’s Gas to counteract the confusion about it that has been published on the Internet, the falsehoods, the speculation, the lies spread by vested interests, the uninformed, I decided to write this article on 2 January 2021.